Thursday, January 17, 2013

Glowing Beaded Objects

In an effort to keep today's post safe for all ages, I'm going to leave the more obvious commentary up to your *cough* fertile imaginations.

I found a stash of these lamps (yes, lamps -- see the light strands and power cords? They're stuffed full of Christmas lights) at the local thrift store.  Their shapes were... perplexing.  It took me a long time to figure out what they were meant to represent.  Most of the confusion came from the color scheme, because my initial assessment would have been something more, uh, monochromatic.

Ready to make a guess?

Just picture one of these as a nightlight, and it gets even creepier.

Did you guess a lighthouse?  Well, neither did I, the first few times I walked by them, but that's the only G-rated thing I can come up with.  After all, they do light up.  Just like a lighthouse.  Or... yeah.  No.  I don't really get it, either.

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